Book A Consultation and Transform Your Relationship With Your Business
In this first 30-minute conversation, I will learn more about your business and situation and see if you are a good fit for my coaching program.
In the following video, I’ll answer a few questions:
- What happens in a consultation?
- Who in general, is a good fit for working with me?
- What happens when you fill out a contact form?
What Other People Say...
Dr. Ginger Swanson
Dallas, TX
I am a Depth Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Retreat Facilitator. I found myself challenged and unable to identify a specific market for my services. With Will’s coaching and marketing expertise (e.g., SEO, podcasts, and reviews), I was able to clearly identify the client base that benefits most from my service. (These happen to be the same clients that bring me the greatest of joy when serving! Such a revelation was wonderful.) Will proved to be a very helpful sounding board and guide as I forged my way to these discoveries and developed my marketing plan. I found working with Will valuable and worthy of my investment and I recommend working with him. He’s a helpful coach!
John Papazian
Member of Toastmasters International, Dallas, TX
I remember looking around the room during both [your recent] speeches, and I noticed that everyone was glued to their seat, watching you tell your story. Also, you incorporated humor, which is always good. In both speeches, you crafted a powerful thesis statement, which elegantly tied the whole speech together in a creative way. I can tell that you are a highly creative person, and I am grateful that you are a member of the Big "D" Toastmasters club so that I can learn from you.
David Alpuche
Member of Toastmasters International, Dallas, TX
You are humble enough to share your "adventures" but not sell them as yours only. You share who inspired you, how you did it, and the time it took you to do it. You will help and inspire a lot of people around you if you keep doing what you do.
Chakri Paila
Member of Toastmasters International, Dallas, TX
In my many interactions with you, the calming aspect of your presence is something that stands out to me. Your ability to tell stories with a personal touch and deliver them with a soothing yet effective voice is what I feel is unique about you.
Shawna Hogan
Member of Toastmasters International, Dallas, TX
Your unique trait or ability is your vulnerability as a man. You are able to use communication in a calm and relatable way that connects with others.
My coaching services are not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Will Koen does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and his services are NOT a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.